Sunday, July 26, 2009 with C#?

I'm new to and C# but have used Java before for developing web applications.

During Java development I used System.out.println(); to output strings to check on the values of my variables without having to use debug. Is there a similar line of code in C#?

I've tried Console.writeline(); but that doesn't seem to work with a web app.

Thanks in advance with C#?
USe Response.write() method in web app

U can use Response.output.write () method also for formatted output
Reply:if you aren´t familiar with watches in debug mode, you can create labels at your webform and then set the values of these with variables you want to watch:

label1.text = yourvariable;

label2.text = anothervar;
Reply:the answer given above is correct, Response.Write() but you should get on board with the breakpoints, they are so much more efficient!

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